YEAR 2009
Web Related Feature(s)
Provided a facility to regenerate the roll numbers for students of selected class according to the selected criteria.
Forgot Password -
Provided facility to recover the password. User will be notified with login details by SMS.
Provided facility to delete marked attendance of class.
Added new reports 'Missing Attendance' and 'Muster report' for Attendance.
Added a new report 'Exam Publish status' for Exam.
Web Related Feature(s)
Fee -
facility to refund paid fees.
Facility to add school notices in more formative way.
Facility to export payment clearance details to view the status.
Added a new report 'Student Paid Fee Count' for Fee.
Web Related Feature(s)
Student Photo -
Provided facility to upload photos for the students of selected class.
Provided facility to create Personal Phone Book in SMS center.
Provided facility to update Registration Numbers of the students.
Facility to export caution money details to view the status.
Web Related Feature(s)
Facility to configure Staff Group, Earnings and Deductions and Staff Group – Earnings and Deductions Association.
New module 'Payroll' -
Provided facility to define the rule for Fee concession for the kids of Staff members.
Provided facility to view receipt of caution money payment.
Facility to upload images for school logo and principal's sign to be printed on student identity cards.
Added a new report 'Student Pending Fee Statement Report' for Fee.
Web Related Feature(s)
Parents login -
Provided facility of Online Fee Payment through internet banking.
Provided Online Admission facility. It includes online forms and offline or manual forms submission, withdrawal of Admission lottery, Admission confirmation of students for new academic year.
Provided faculty to add users like peon as 'Other Staff' in the system. These users do not have login to the system.
Enhancement in Payroll module like Leaves Configuration, Users and Staff Group Association, Salary Details Sheet.
Provided facility to create 'Mid Academic Year'. Using this facility school can capture the data of the early admission of the students for next academic year.
Added a new report 'Net banking collection Report' for Fee.
Web Related Feature(s)
Parents login -
Provided facility of Online Fee Payment through internet banking.
Provided Online Admission facility. It includes online forms and offline or manual forms submission, withdrawal of Admission lottery, Admission confirmation of students for new academic year.
Provided faculty to add users like peon as 'Other Staff' in the system. These users do not have login to the system.
Enhancement in Payroll module like Leaves Configuration, Users and Staff Group Association, Salary Details Sheet.
Provided facility to create 'Mid Academic Year'. Using this facility school can capture the data of the early admission of the students for next academic year.
Added a new report 'Net banking collection Report' for Fee.
YEAR 2010
Web Related Feature(s)
Salary Payment -
Facility to publish/unpublish salary to make the salary slip available to the staff members, SMS is send to staff members.
Leaves Accumulation -
Facility is provided to view and updated the accumulated leaves.
Year wise Leaves -
Facility is provided to configure leaves for staff for a year.
SMS Center -
Facility is provided to add the group of users in the personal address book.
Payroll Reports -
Three new reports added - Profession Tax Challan Report, Professional Tax Report and Provident Fund Report.
Student Search -
Given a facility to search students by comma separated registration numbers.
Web Related Feature(s)
Fee Payments -
Facility to pay fee of next academic year fees.
Staff Members -
Facility is given to view and print their salary slip.
Added new report Student Fees Paid By Cheque for Fee module.
Salary Details -
Facility is provided to save salary details of all staff members at a time.
Salary SMS -
Salary amount SMS is sent on the salary payment.
Web Related Feature(s)
Fee Payments -
Facility is provided to pay the partial fees for next academic year.
Message Center -
Facility is to provided forward the received messages.
Inventory -
Facility to add items and their categories and unit of measurement.
IT Reconciliation report -
Facility to search student and fees are be displayed according to the paid date.
Web Related Feature(s)
Fee Payment -
Facility to online payment of fees for next academic year to the parent.
Message Center -
Facility to attach files while sending the messages.
Final Result -
Facility to generate final result with published exams for a class.
Facility to generate leaving certificate for student while student is leaving the school.
Facility to deactivate or activate the staff members in Payroll module to skip or include them from the salary payments.
Message Center -
Facility to capture PT Challan details.
Web Related Feature(s)
Parents login -
Provided facility of Online Fee Payment through internet banking.
Provided Online Admission facility. It includes online forms and offline or manual forms submission, withdrawal of Admission lottery, Admission confirmation of students for new academic year.
Provided faculty to add users like peon as 'Other Staff' in the system. These users do not have login to the system.
Enhancement in Payroll module like Leaves Configuration, Users and Staff Group Association, Salary Details Sheet.
Provided facility to create 'Mid Academic Year'. Using this facility school can capture the data of the early admission of the students for next academic year.
Added a new report 'Net banking collection Report' for Fee.
Web Related Feature(s)
Parents login -
Provided facility of Online Fee Payment through internet banking.
Provided Online Admission facility. It includes online forms and offline or manual forms submission, withdrawal of Admission lottery, Admission confirmation of students for new academic year.
Provided faculty to add users like peon as 'Other Staff' in the system. These users do not have login to the system.
Enhancement in Payroll module like Leaves Configuration, Users and Staff Group Association, Salary Details Sheet.
Provided facility to create 'Mid Academic Year'. Using this facility school can capture the data of the early admission of the students for next academic year.
Added a new report 'Net banking collection Report' for Fee.
YEAR 2011
Web Related Feature(s)
Manage Issue Books -
Facility to search the student or staff members to issue book.
Edit Fee -
Given the facility to update the fee payments.
Facility is added to clear the online admission fee transactions.
Pre primary progress sheet -
Facility is added to add the remarks.
Create SMS Template screen-
Made this screen available to Admin to add or modify SMS templates.
Added facility to enter Mobile Number2 to send SMS to both Mobile numbers to low down the possibility of not receiving the SMS from school.
Following new reports are added on the school application -
1. Student Identity Card for the students.
2. Standard wise Fee Collection By Payment Modes for Fee module.
Web Related Feature(s)
Payroll -
Facility is given to capture the bank name and account numbers for school to be used for salary payment.
Pay Salary, Admission Lottery and Cheque Bounce Entry - The internal SMS contents will be shown before sending the message.
Web Related Feature(s)
Payroll -
Provident Fund Report and Salary Ledger report updated to display salary difference paid for Provident Fund.
Term Configuration -
Designed a new facility to capture the Start Date and End Date for the terms.
Report -
Added a facility to configure the subject as Co-Curricular Activities or Curricular subject for progress report purpose.
Report -
Designed new Progress Report for Term II..
Web Related Feature(s)
Payroll -
Facility is added to set full attendance of the staff members.
Provided a facility to save the salary difference for Individual user.
Pay Salary -
Provided a facility to select SMS type short SMS or detailed SMS at the time of salary publish.
Standard wise Academic Years-
New facility is added to confirm academic year start date and end date for a standard.
Provided a facility for a class teachers to unpublish exams of their class.
Facility to configure the Standard wise documents which are required at time of student admission.
Introduced a new facility to add the long leaves for the students and sanction with the facility to extend the leave or inactive the student leaves.
Following new reports are added on the school application -
1. Earning Deduction Details for Payroll module.
2. Student Photo and Student Sibling Details for students.
3. Subject wise Exam Result and Subject Mark Sheet for Exam module.
Web Related Feature(s)
Salary Difference -
Given a facility to delete the salary difference of Individual employee.
Payment Clearance -
To speed up the activity a facility to clear payments of all types on single screen.
Left student -
Facility to capture the 'Cancellation form no.' while student is leaving school.
Repot -
Gave the facility to display the added menu as the logon message.
Added a new report 'Student wise Document Details' for students.
Added a new report 'Internal Assessment' for Exam Module.
Web Related Feature(s)
Xseed Report Module -
Facility to configure the Assessments, Standard wise Assessment, Grades, Subject Sections and Learning Outcome
Provided the facility to mark the partial leaves to capture the half day leave of different types for a day.
Provided the facility enter the insurance details for users.
Designed a new report Insurance Details Report to display the insurance details.
Designed new screen as 'User Photo Upload' to upload photo for the users according to user roles.
Designed a progress report for first term progress report.
Web Related Feature(s)
Facility is provided to set second language to the students of a class-
Provided new facility to set the class wise optional subject.
- Given a facility to the admin staff to upload updated files for the menus on the school website
Provided new facility to configure pre primary themes in Xseed modules.
Book Details -
Facility is made available to all of users to view the book details in the library.
Xseed Module-
Facility is provided to assign Xseed grade, publish Xseed result, view Xseed Progress Report and print Xseed progress report.
Task Module -
Facility to configure work flow for the different tasks in the organization, add or modify the task and assign the task to the different staff members with comments and view the status of the tasks assigned.
Timetable Configuration -
Timetable Configuration - Facility to quickly configure the external lectures to the classes and the teachers at a time.
Added an option to set if the subject teacher should be exclusively present on the designated class for a lecture so that same teacher will not be allowed to allocate to other classes at the same time on the time table.
Added a new report 'Admission Applications Available For Lottery' for Students.
Added a new report 'User Role Wise Traveller Transport Details' and 'Stop Wise Transport Details" for the Transport module.
Web Related Feature(s)
Parent Teacher Association -
Made available for parents to view the PTA committee associated with their child.
Provided the Admin Staff import functionality.
User Management -
Facility to capture activation or deactivation reason, which will be sent in the activation or deactivation SMS to the user.
Staff birthday-
Other staffs are also involved on the birthday list.
Web Related Feature(s)
Provided a facility to configure if the fail criteria is applicable to the standard.
Facility is provided to mark a student as 'Exempted'
LC Report Configuration -
Provided facility to include or exclude users form the message or SMS center address book while activating or deactivating users.Facility to customize leaving certificate report by choosing the details to be displayed and their display names on the LC report.
Provided facility to include or exclude users form the message or SMS center address book while activating or deactivating users.
Weekly Timetable -
Two different ways (read only/read -write) to access the Weekly Timetable is designed for different users.
Library -
Added a facility to search book by user role to find the books those can be issued specifically to parents or staff.
Payroll Service Types -
Facility to set service type to the staff as Temporary/Probation/Permanent.
​Added a new report 'Staff Service Type Details' for Payroll module.
​Late Fee Configuration -
Provided a facility to configure the late fee for a period.
Exam Configuration-
Provided the facility to delete the assigned marks of the selected exam.
Facility to capture emergency contact to be display it on the I-Card.
Added a facility categorize PTA members to be displayed under required section of PTA committee.
Library -
Added a facility to search book by user role to find the books those can be issued specifically to parents or staff.
Payroll Service Types -
Facility to set service type to the staff as Temporary/Probation/Permanent.
Added a new report 'Staff Service Type Details' for Payroll module.
New module 'Accounts' -
Facility to configure Groups, Ledgers, Bank Accounts and Approval Configuration. Along with the facility to maintain the Vouchers and Day Books.
Facility to capture any updates to the student while adding his sibling details.
Claim Books -
A facility is provided for users to claim the book from the library.
Facility is added to issue the books to other staff members.
Provided new facility to exempt or update late fee calculated while returning a book.
Provided a facility to search book by barcode.
Added a new report 'Issued Book Details' for Library.
Transport Details -
Facility to view the transport details to the parents of their child.
Librarian's Desk -
Facility to the librarian for quick books issue, renew and return activities to the group of users.
Added a new report 'Lost Book Details' for Library.
YEAR 2012
Web Related Feature(s)
RITeSchool is made available on light weight website which can be accessed from mobile / tablet for parents login.
Provided facility to view month wise attendance details.
Provided facility to view fee details and status of fee payments.
Provided facility to view timetable.
Provided facility to view teacher details like class and subject teachers.
Provided facility to view upcoming holidays.
Provided facility to view committee members of Parent Teacher Association.
Web Related Feature(s)
Provided a facility to restrict user from publishing /un-publishing the exam results.
Provided an optional facility to block progress report if fees are pending for the student.
Payroll -
Provided a facility to configure month wise basic leaves and to set leaves for users accordingly.
Provided a facility to submit investments declaration for configured sections and investment methods. Facility provide to generate Investment Declaration report for individual staff.
Provided a facility to add admin staff as Executive Committee (School) member in Parent Teacher Association.
Admission -
Provided a facility to view online admission fee receipt.
Provided a facility to view count of submitted application forms.
Student Payables -
Provided a facility to re-use previously used fee types.
Payroll -
Provided a facility to set the basic leaves according to permanent date of the users.
Web Related Feature(s)
RITeSchool on light weight website made available for teacher login.
Provided facility to view and mark attendance of a class.
Provided facility to view timetable.
Provided facility to view upcoming holidays
Provided facility to view month wise staff birthdays.
Teacher and parents login-
Provided facility to view month wise events of current academic year.
Facility to view and accept 'Terms of Use' for very first login.
Teacher login -
Facility to view exam schedules for standards.
Web Related Feature(s)
Teacher login -
Provided facility to view attendance status i.e. class list for which attendance is not marked.
Student login -
Facility to view exam schedules.
Teacher and parents login -
Facility to change password.
Provided facility to view school notices on login page.
Repot -
Gave the facility to display the added menu as the logon message.
Added a new report 'Student wise Document Details' for students.
Added a new report 'Internal Assessment' for Exam Module.
Web Related Feature(s)
Investment/Income Method-
1. Updated a structure to capture the section group to categorize the sections
2. Facility to capture the deductible amount that is considered on Form No. 16.
3. Allowed to associate the Investment/Income Method with earning/deduction for automatic calculate the amount for the financial year.
Investment/Income Declaration -
Investment and Income declarations are now managed separately.
New screens added under Payroll to serve different purposes as follows Tax Deduction- Provided a facility to set TDS details.CIT configuration-
Provided a facility to set Commissioner of IT details. Income Tax Details- Provided a facility to publish/unpublish Investment/Income declarations and TDS details.
Report -
Provided a new report for Form No. 16.
Staff Holidays Leave Deduction -
1. Provided Facility to select leave deduction type. (i.e. Enclosed / Attached) for the staff holiday. The leave deduction for the salary calculations will be depend on the type selected for staff holiday
2. Provided facility to copy student holiday details from holiday screen. For this added and pop-up to select holiday.
Web Related Feature(s)
Fee Configuration -
Simplified Configuration of Fees.
Fee Receipt -
Now will be opened as Report, which can be saved as pdf file.(No change in the format of receipt.)
Internal Fees -
Facility to pay multiple fees at once.
Added a function to send a list of staff birthdays SMS to configured users (e.g. Principal and CAP)
Password Policy is updated to be more secure logins changed for all of the users as follows -
1. Password should be minimum 6 characters in length.
2. It should contain at least one character and number.
3. It should contain at least one special char (special char would be any char that is not a number & alphabet).
4. Spaces are valid characters (but a password cannot contain only spaces).
5. It needs to be changed upon first login (after accepting terms and conditions).
Web Related Feature(s)
Login for School Administrator and Admin Staff are made available.
Password -
To get the login details, provided "Forgot Password?" link on login screen is provided.
Message Center (only for student login) -
Provided Message Center to send the message for internal communication between parents and teachers or parents and school staff members.
Staff birthday-
Other staffs are also involved on the birthday list.
Web Related Feature(s)
​Net Salary Details Report -
Provided a new report to display net salary amount of all the users.
Xseed -
Given facility submit grades even though grade assignment is done partially.
Income Tax Reconciliation Statement -
Provided facility to consider Fee Types for Income Tax Reconciliation Statement Report.
Online Payment -
Now Credit Card payment facility has been enabled for Online Payment! Select "VISA MASTER MAESTRO (ICICI)" on Bank Selection page to make payments using Credit Card.
​Net Salary Details Report -
Provided a new report to display net salary amount of all the users.
Xseed -
Given facility submit grades even though grade assignment is done partially.
Income Tax Reconciliation Statement -
Provided facility to consider Fee Types for Income Tax Reconciliation Statement Report.
Online Payment -
Now Credit Card payment facility has been enabled for Online Payment! Select "VISA MASTER MAESTRO (ICICI)" on Bank Selection page to make payments using Credit Card.
SMS Center -
Provided SMS Center to the parents, teachers and admin staff, to view the list of latest 20 received SMS messages.
Message Center (Teachers and Admin Staff login)-
Provided Message Center to send the message for internal communication between Teachers, parents and school staff members.
​Holidays- Students can view the holidays specific to their class only.
YEAR 2013
Web Related Feature(s)
RTE (Right To Education) Student -
Provided facility to set RTE (Right To Education) on Student Information while enrolling a new student. If the student admitted has RTE selected, then the student will get 100% concession in the school fees.
Exam Toppers -
Provided a facility to generate Class and Standard Toppers regardless of Publish status of the selected Exam.
Advance Fee Payment -
The fees, which are paid in advance for the next Academic Year are captured under Advance Fees Received Ledger in the Accounts.
MIS Report -
Provided a new view - Monthly, wherein bifurcation is displayed for each month.
Block Progress Report -
Provided facility to block progress reports of students explicitly for various reasons other than the fee dues. Also enabled the facility to automatic block progress report if fees dues.
Salary Details ( Income Tax Details ) -
"Income Tax Details" report made available at Employee level to display the investment\income details along with calculated tax.
Payroll Related - Income Tax Slab -
Provided a facility to configure income tax slabs for the selected financial year. The income tax slabs are categories using the predefined categories like Male, Female, Age between 60 to 80 and Age above 80. The slabs are used to calculate the income tax on the Form No. 16.
Tax Deduction - Income Tax Configuration -
Provided a facility to configure income tax details like Quarter Details and Deductor Person Details along with existing CIT Configuration required for From No. 16 report.
Form No. 16 report Configuration -
Provided few more configurability options viz. Income Tax Slabs with various categories, TDS Receipt Numbers per Quarter and Deductor Details.
Caution Money Details Report -
Provided a new report under the Fee folder to display Caution Money details of all the students within the selected range of receipt numbers.
Form No. 16 report -
Provided a new report Form No.16 under the Payroll folder to display From No. 16 details of all of the employees.
Web Related Feature(s)
Exam Configuration -
Provided facility to configure examinations for Pre-Primary section similar to the Primary / Secondary classes.
Internal Fees -
Internal fee payment is embedded on Fee screen to provide ease for admin staff to pay fee and internal fees from single screen.
Pay Fee for Next Year -
Allowed facility to Pay Online Fees for next academic year even after final year is created.
Staff Holidays Leave Deduction -
Provided a facility to define weekends as holiday.
Teacher -
Provided a facility to assign a single teacher as Class Teacher to the multiple classes.
Message Center -
Provided a facility to send an email notification of received internal message. Setting available at Message Center.
Admission Document -
Provided a facility to Admin Staff for uploading required admission documents of a student.
Web Related Feature(s)
Implemented an Autocomplete function while searching student on Fees and Internal Fees screens, which gives easy suggestion for selection of student as user start typing.
Enhanced Pay Fees function to make it simpler for Admin Staff. Also previous year(s) pending fees for a student can be viewed from just a click of link without changing Academic Year information.
Web-Cam -
Now photos of students and staff members can be captured using web-cam.
Homework -
Provided facility for teachers/admin staff to upload homework assignments to the students. Parents can view homework assignment details for their ward easily using new menu 'Homework' available on their dashboard.
Retirement Notice -
Provided facility to add retirement age and reminder configuration for staff roles. A notice for the admin staff is generated according to the settings, to notify them about the upcoming retirements in their school.
Birthday Notification icon near Staff Birthdays Link on Dashboard if any staff is having birthday on current date.
Student Transfer -
Student transfer across Standards is now possible even after fees payments.
Exam Schedule -
Provided a facility to view the detailed exam schedule to pre-primary Students.
Class Teacher -
Provided facility to assign multiple classes to a class teacher.
Payroll Report View Rights -
Provided a facility to add/remove rights to view the payroll report for individual staff members.
RITeSchool Application Themes -
Implemented the different colour themes to be applied on the school application itself. User can change the theme of his choice as and when required for his view.
Web Related Feature(s)
Trial Balance Report -
Provided facility to view Trial balance report.
Daily Fee Collection Report -
Provided facility to include internal fee payments on daily fee collection report.
Accounts -
Provided Facility to record PAN number with supporting document at the time of creating Ledger.
Implemented an Autocomplete function while searching a user (Student / Staff) on various other screens, which gives easy suggestion for selection whenever user start typing.
Multilingual data input is supported. E.g. You may give Notice or send SMS as well in local language.
Provided facility to generate report for FORM NO. 27A.
Provided a facility to add designations for various user roles.
SMS Templates -
Provided a facility to Create Custom SMS Templates those can be used on SMS Center.
Bank Letter -
Provided a facility to generate a letter to the selected bank to open a salary saving account for selected user(s).
Web Related Feature(s)
Facility of fee payment and clearance for NEFT / RTGS Transactions.
New Report added Additional Fee Type Payment Details Report.
Contact Groups-
Given a facility to maintain contact groups of school application users and facility to apply the user roles such that contact groups can be restricted to specific user role.
Staff Evaluation -
New module introduced for Staff Evaluation. Configuration screens -Skill Sections, Grades and Performance Details Configuration are made available.
House Information -
Added a feature to configure house information applicable to the school.
Provided a facility to upload the Pan card document for users.
Given a facility to Copy Exam Schedule of one standard to other standards.
Enabled a facility to enter marks to the late joinee even though the exams are over.
​Assembly and MPT schedule is made configurable as schedule can be different for each section.
Web Related Feature(s)
​House Assignment For Students Report -
Designed a new report to display house assignment to the student.
Staff Evaluation module is enhanced with more screens as follows -
1.Reporting Configuration- Designed new configuration screen to configure reporting hierarchy for staff.
2.Performance Grade Assignment- Designed new screen to add performance grade and observation for staff.
Retirement Notification Message -
Added a facility to send a notification mail to configured staff members and the retiring staff according to configured notice period of the Retirement date.
Mailing Group Enhancement -
The checkboxes of Include Admin and Include Principal are removed from Message Center for student login and added default contact groups for them.
Knowledge Base -
Link is added on dashboard of school staff to view the user guide and videos available on RITeSchool website.
Staff Evaluation-
New module introduced for Staff Evaluation. a. Configuration screens- Skill Sections, Grades, Reporting Configuration and Performance Details Configuration b. Performance Grade Assignment- to add performance grade and observation for staff.
Support Details -
Designed a new screen for displaying support request and queries received from the users.
Feedback -
For Staff login, facility is given to capture software feedback in structured form created on Google Forms.
​Exam Status Configuration -
Designed a new screen for configuring exam status e.g. absent, exempted.
Designed a new report for Result Sheet.
Progress Remark Length Configuration -
Designed a new screen to configure length of progress remark for each standard and term.
Designed a new report for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation.
Electronic (NEFT/RTGS) -
Provided a facility to pay fee with Electronic (NEFT/RTGS) mode for next year fee payments.
On Fees screen, facility for Admin staff to view / update respective student information from a link provided on Student Name.
Message Center -
New functionality of read receipt is given for messages so that sender can request the acknowledgement receipt when receiver reads the message. Also link is provided on sent message for sender to view the read receipt information.
Annual consolidate report -
Given option to export annual consolidated report in excel sheet.
Exam -
On Progress Remarks screen, left student is shown in text colour red.
Access of salary slip report will be made available or removed for user on assignment or deletion of user staff group association respectively.
Designed a new screen to configure payroll parameters which are used for additional payments.
Facility is given to add additional payment other than salary details screen. These additional payments are considered for the annual reports like Form No. 16, Salary ledger report.
SMS Schedule -
New facility is made available for Scheduling the SMS for future date and time to set timely reminders in advance.
Accounts -
Online admission form fees Integration with accounts module.
Payroll -
Facility is provided to generate appointment letter to be provided to the selected candidate for school.
Facility is provided to generate Service Contract Agreement to be signed from the selected candidate for school.
Transport -
Automatic Generation of the transport debit charges and their adjustments as per changes to the transport service for the user. Transport changes payment facility is also available.
Consolidated Admission List Report -
Created a new report which shows consolidated list of student selected in the main lottery and direct admission in new academic year.
Fees -
Facility is provided for Admin Staff on Fees screen to view and select siblings of currently selected student for quick access to pay fees
Payroll -
Provided a facility to view the Salary structure of a staff member with calculated salary components i.e. earnings and deduction from the Staff group association screen itself just by clicking on the staff name.
Day Book -
Show fee bifurcation by the fee types of the total amount paid for a students on the voucher details.
Web Related Feature(s)
Investment Declaration-
Provided a facility to upload multiple investment declaration documents for an investment method for individual user.
Last School Details-
Provided a facility to add last school details of student.
Facility is given to define Transport charges for teacher, student and admin staff.
Facility is given to define late fee for transport charges.
Facility is given to assign transport routes (pickup and drop details) for the users.
Student Details gives consolidated view for Staff to view details like student information, Attendance, Fees at one place.
Facility is given on screen to define whether the standard is for grading system or marking system.
Parents/Students -
Provided a facility to send internal messages received from Message Center to be sent as a link via email if mail id is available for the user.
Salary Details -
Facility is given to auto set income tax amount according to income tax calculation.
Facility is provided to set the default bank for 'Deposit in Bank' field while doing the fees payment. For this check box as 'Is Default Bank?' is added on Bank Accounts screen from account module configuration.
Leaving Certificate configuration -
Added new field as Promotion.
Added two new qualifications as B.C.A. & M.C.M. for teacher